Protective Orders
Louisiana has various laws which address the issue of domestic violence. Protective orders are generally the most common procedure to address domestic violence in the court system.
The granting of a protective order will not only require you to stop all contact with your former spouse or intimate partner. Protective orders can also impact child custody and certain property rights, including the right to possess a firearm. If a protective order is granted against you, you will lose your lawful ability to possess a firearm. Additionally, the granting of a protective order can result in the loss of custody of your children or result in an order requiring you to pay spousal support.
Katherine L. Hurst has completed the Danger Assessment Training Program of Jacqueline C. Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN, an international leader on the subject of domestic violence, through John Hopkins University. Katherine L. Hurst is certified to use the Danger Assessment and Levels of Danger Scoring System, developed by Campbell at John Hopkins University, to evaluate the level of danger in domestic violence cases.
Katherine L. Hurst has extensive experience in representing both victims of domestic violence and defending those wrongfully accused of domestic violence.