Attorney Disciplinary Defense
Call a Lafayette Lawyer: (337) 233-6930
Katherine L. Hurst is a former law clerk to the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) – the office which investigates complaints against attorneys. In her tenure at the ODC (1991-1992), she assisted the ODC attorneys in:
- Screening disciplinary complaints
- Litigation preparation in disciplinary proceedings
In 1996, Katherine L. Hurst began representing other lawyers in defending against disciplinary complaints.
Ms. Hurst is a member of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL); a national organization of attorneys who practice in the areas of ethics and attorney disciplinary defense.

Although most attorneys would never advise a non-lawyer to represent themselves in any type of court proceeding, many attempt to defend themselves in disciplinary proceedings, often to their own peril. Due to their lack of objectivity, many open up new issues in their response. The disciplinary process has its own rules and procedures, different from any other legal proceedings. Lack of knowledge of those rules and procedures can lead to critical mistakes in defending a complaint.
If you receive notice of a complaint against you, let someone with knowledge and experience assist you in navigating the process and defending your license and professional reputation. Hiring an experienced attorney disciplinary defense lawyer at the earliest stage of the process is advisable. Katherine L. Hurst is also available to defend attorneys against rules for contempt and/or sanctions.
Katherine L. Hurst is active in the Louisiana State Bar Association including:
- Member, LSBA Committee on the Profession, 2014 to present
- Member, LSBA Committee on the Profession Subcommittee to Revise the Code of Professionalism
- Member, Practice Assistance and Improvement Committee, 2015 to present
- Member, LSBA House of Delegates, 2016 to present
- Professionalism speaker at LSU Law School, Loyola Law School
- Fellow, Louisiana Bar Foundation
Katherine L. Hurst attends continuing legal education to stay abreast of recent case law and developments in the disciplinary process including "In Search of Higher Ground: Beginning or Elevating An Attorney or Judicial Discipline Practice," an eight (8) hour CLE held at the Louisiana Supreme Court on May 23, 2018.
***Most malpractice insurance policies will reimburse most of the cost of the defense of a complaint.***